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Salary domiciliation

Salary domiciliation is the process of transferring the employees' salaries in an institution to their personal bank account with ATM card, which enables cardholders to withdraw their balances and deal with the various electronic channels of the Commercial Bank of Syria in terms of services provided by the bank. And allow him to enjoy the benefits of the ATM card and points of sale.

  • The employee can use the ATM card to withdraw money from his balance 24/24 h.
  • The ability to use the card over POS devices for pay and sell.
  • Paying the bills and paying the loan installments.
  • Step by step towards a cashless society.

Money transfer and bills payment

As a holder of the Commercial Bank of Syria card, you can now transfer your balance or part of it easily from your card to another card and vice versa, to facilitate the movement of transferring money, which is a fast process that does not require time with a simple commission. Bill payment service (Telecom - Cellular - Electricity - Virtual University) available For customers who are a bank cardholder to take advantage of them to pay the bills to the entities associated with the bank, through the banking channels of the Commercial Bank of Syria(ATMs - website)

Loan installment payment

The service enables Commercial Bank of Syria cardholders to use the service of paying loan installments through:

  • The mobile application
  • The Syrian Commercial Bank website (coming soon)
  • ATM

    So that the service is chosen on the ATM screen, choose the installment to be paid and complete the process, using it without the need to visit the bank